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  • Writer's pictureJenny Henderson

First Steps...

Updated: Sep 5, 2019

Have you ever thought about joining a gym or starting a fitness regime but not taken the next step? Can you pinpoint what it is that is stopping you from making that call or walking into a gym? Is it the fear of the unknown? Feeling like you aren’t fit enough? The looks you might get from other people? Not knowing what the movements are or how to use the equipment? Are you worried about making a fool of yourself? I’m using these as examples because I’ve been there, done it, know how it feels.

I think these things get exacerbated with age, and for me, when coming back to exercise after children. I know the last time I went into a main stream gym the equipment all looked rather daunting (some of it even space age compared to the last time I'd hit the gym floor) Plus everyone looked super fit, confident and like they knew what they were doing! I was put off, not really knowing where to start, just happy that I was out of the house doing something for myself while #thehusband took over the childcare duties. I went to that gym for a few months, when time and energy levels permitted, but I'd just stick to what I knew and never step out of my comfort zone.

So many people don’t know where to start, what they like, what their body or their lifestyle needs, or would benefit from, and that’s where I feel that I have something special to offer. We have created a space that is comfortable, private, and when you step inside I make the space yours, we listen to your choice of music while working on your goals at a pace that suits you, my aim is to give you an experience that leaves you feeling empowered, energized and looking forward to the next time. I want you to feel comfortable to try new things, step outside of your comfort zone without prying eyes or feeling silly.

Let's face it, somewhere along the line everyone is a beginner. The big bonus of being a beginner is that you have had limited time under training and have lots of potential to grow and improve quickly. By making a start you’re one step closer to your goals than you were before! And you shouldn’t let the unknown stop you from starting.

So, if you are sitting at home and not exercising or training at the moment, but thinking about it, get in touch, let’s get you on the road to a healthier version of yourself. Not sure about doing it alone? why not grab a buddy (or even 2 – we can squeeze 3 into the studio) it cuts the cost and adds a bit of fun, camaraderie and competition to the mix.

A Personal Trainer doesn't have to be forever, I'd like to think that my clients will leverage from what they learn with me and one day might make that step to a fitness class or mainstream gym and if I can help you on the track to healthier habits and instil in you the knowledge and confidence that you can carry with you, my job is done.

Health + Happiness


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